Emergency Response Team

WIRES have a dedicated Emergency Response Team (ERT), trained to assist with the high volumes of urgent weekly wildilfe rescues and disaster response.
There are currently 7 Wildlife Ambulances & Emergency Responders operating nationally, 4 in NSW, 1 in QLD and 2 in TAS and conducting thousands of rescues annually.
To best support the emergency response of sick, injured and orphaned native animals, WIRES rescue ambulances are fitted with an extensive range of specialised rescue and safety equipment.
WIRES have provided emergency response training to 100+ volunteers across our NSW branches, to ensure we have efficient team deployment capability across the state.
With thousands of weekly calls to assist wildlife in distress, WIRES ERT works closely with WIRES Rescue Office (operating 24/7), WIRES volunteers, national rescue groups, vets, wildife hospitals and community members, to respond to the high volumes of urgent wildlife rescues and the increasing quantity of natural disasters.
WIRES is focused on growing our Emergency Response Team, to help meet the rising ongoing demand for wildlife rescue assistance and to increase our capability to response to major emergency events when they occur, as scientists are forecasting more frequent and more intense droughts, fires, floods, storms and heatwaves due to climate change.
Read about WIRES 2022 Flood Response
Report a Rescue
Fill in the rescue form for help with sick, injured or ophaned native animals
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